
Elodeas Schatzkammern - Part 1: Down The Shaft

Created by: Dulcamara

Version: 2018-05-10

Available in: Deep Island Shard,
UAM Shard (older version)

This Age is the fourth and last episode of Elodea. All episodes of Elodea are actually located in the same Age as the first episode: Elodea. For reasons of performance the Age was split up into four seperate Ages, all situated on or underneath the island of Elodea.

This episode starts inside the small building on top of the mountain, that you couldn't enter in the previous episodes. Before you is an opened hatch and behind it is another stone slab with a knight carved in it, exactly like the stone slabs in the cemetry by the church. Look closer at the slab and you will find a note, telling you to follow the knight.

Inside the building on top of the mountain
Inside the building on top of the mountain

The Way Down

Stand before the shaft and climb down the ladder. It's a long way down. Although I didn't count the number of ladders you will be climbing down, there are at least seven of them, possibly more. After you climbed down the second ladder, you will be facing a familiar cloth. It's the cloth that will bring you to the location of the last journey cloth that you touched. You haven't touched any of those here yet, so continue climbing down the shaft.

The cloth that brings you to your last saved journey cloth
The cloth that brings you to your last saved journey cloth

When you have finally reached the bottom of the shaft, walk through the door opening and turn right. On the side of the square structure you just came from, you will find, not completely unexpected, the first journey cloth. Touch it and walk counter-clockwise around the square structure.

The first journey cloth
The first journey cloth

At the end you'll see another stone slab with the figure of a knight to the left and an opening to your right. Walk through the opening and turn left. Walk counter-clockwise around the structure you came from and walk through the opening. Walk towards the egyptian looking archways. To your right is also a tunnel but it only shows that someone has been mining these green crystals.



Somewhere before the first arch lies a stone block on the ground. It is hard to see, depending on your graphic settings, but it is there. The block has a D'ni letter emprinted on it but it is mirrored. I found four of them but they don't appear to have any significance.

A mirrored D'ni letter
A mirrored D'ni letter

Walk towards the first archway. A pedestal with a book on it stands next to the archway. Click on the book to read it. It's a word from the creator of this Age to the explorer.

Ledges And Lava

The tunnel behind the first archway leads to a dead end. Turn left and walk towards the second archway. The book on the pedestal between the two archways is a linking book to Elodea Island. Walk through the second archway until the path forks into two directions. Go right first.

A journey cloth that brings up memories of Eder Gira...
A journey cloth that brings up memories of Eder Gira...

Walk until you reach the edge. There's a stairway leading down but ignore it for now. Turn left and look to the rock wall above where the stairs lead. There is a journey cloth on a ledge in the distance. Walk back to the fork and follow the path in the other direction. When you've reached the end of the path, you should see another stone block on the ground near the edge. Although the block and symbol are useless, it's in the exact spot where you should step off the edge to reach the ledge with the journey cloth. Carefully step down and after you've landed on the ledge, turn around and touch the second cloth. Turn left and look down. You should see a stairway leading all the way up to the fork. Carefully step off the ledge you're standing on to reach the stairway along the rock wall.

Carefully step off the side of the ledge
Carefully step off the side of the ledge

Turn around, walk down the stairs to reach a small room at the end of the stairs. There are a few vases here, some animal skins on the ground and another stone block with a symbol. Nothing to do here, so head back, walk all the way up the stairs until you're back at the fork.

At the fork, turn left and head back through the archway. Turn right, walk towards another archway, past the post with a yellow thing on it. Walk through the archway to reach a familiar site. Walk past the pillars with the green crystal on them. You should now be able to see a pool of water with a D'ni clock on an island. To the left is the closed gate from the Elodeas Unterwelt episode. Walk to the right, going counter-clockwise around the pond.

A familiar location
A familiar location

As soon as you see another stone slab of the knight, turn right and enter the cave next to the knight. To your right leads to the local cemetry, but there's nothing to do there, so turn left. Follow the path untill you reach a few large rock boulders on your right. Up ahead, you see the entrance to a room containing a very traditional phrase in myst and uru, except that the word "Perhaps" was left out.

Look around the large rocks to your right. A little further away ly two smaller rocks. Walk between the large and smaller rocks to reach the edge. Look down and you see another path and a ladder leading to it. The ladder is to the left of the edge. Climb down the ladder and turn right. You see a corridor with another stone slab of the knight at the end. Walk into the corridor and turn right when you're halfway through. Walk into the corridor with the decorated doorway.

Going Like A Jojo

Follow the corridor until you reach a small room. To your left you see another stone slab of the knight. Continue through the adjacent corridor on your left. At the end is a round stairway leading up. Walk all the way up the stairs, grab a beer if possible, this will take a while... At the end you will reach the green dome. There's nothing to do here, so exit the dome through the dooropening.

The green dome
The green dome

Walk down the stairs and follow the path until you reach a rope bridge with wooden planks on your right. You'll have to cross this bridge, so be prepared to make a few jumps along the way. At the end you see a small domeshaped structure on a hill and a stairway leading down a little to the left. The domeshaped structure appears to be an elevator and someone put an english sign on it saying "out of order". I wonder who would have put that sign there: the D'ni or the treasure hunters? Oh well, the thing won't work anyway, so head down via the stairs.

The broken elevator
The broken elevator

When you have reached the end of the stairs, turn right and walk to the pole with the yellow thing on it. Jump over the rocks on the right side of the post to find the third journey cloth on the back side. Touch it, the number indicated by the glowing part may be different but that doesn't really matter as long as you find all seven cloths. Now, jump over the rocks again to get back on the path.

The third cloth
The third cloth

You should see a door with a blue button next to it. Walk towards the button and push it. The door opens. Enter the corridor. Walk until you reach an open elevator. The railing is not solid, so take care not to step off the elevator. Press the green button in the middle of the elevator. At the end of the ride, step off the elevator and you may have to do a foward jump after that. When dealing with elevators, your avatar sometimes ends up with his or her feet underground. To fix that, do a forward jump or two.

If this elevator is out of order, then what just happened?
If this elevator is out of order, then what just happened?

Turn around and you should see the elevator going down again. You're in a small round room with a sign saying that the elevator is out of order. Again, who would have put that sign there? On the opposite side of the room is a door with a blue button next to it. Walk to the door and press the button. When the door opens, walk into the tunnel. The tunnel spirals down a long way. Makes you wonder why you took that elevator in the first place...

The end of a long tunnel
At the end of the long tunnel

At the end of the tunnel you should see a rock to the right. It has a button on it. Press it and a hidden door will open. Step through the door. You are now in a tunnel close to the lava surface. To the left leads to a dead end, so turn right. The button in front of you will open the door again but I doubt you would be willing to climb all the way up the spiralling tunnel again.

Walk to the end of the tunnel towards the lava stream. At the end of the tunnel you should see a path along the lava stream to your right. Follow the path until you reach two rock islands on your left. The second has a button on it but what's it for? Continue the path along the lava stream. Just before the end of the path you should see three steps in the rock wall. Why would there be only three steps? Maybe pressing the button on the small rock island will reveal something?

Only three steps?
Only three steps?

Head back to the two rock islands and jump onto the one with the button. Press the button and turn towards where you found the three steps. In the distance you should see the rock wall near the steps moving. Jump off the island and walk towards the steps. The moving rock wall has revealed the remaining steps. Walk up the stairs until you reach the end. On a ledge a little below where you are now, you should see a pole with a blue button and another journey cloth. There seems to be no way out of that position but as the rock wall behind you returned to its original position, there's no way going back either.

Jump onto the ledge below you. Actually, just walking will do. Press the fourth journey cloth. Now, turn to the left and press the blue button on the pole. As expected, the rock wall moves but how does that help you now? You cannot reach the stairs as they are on a higher ledge than the one you're on. Indeed, you're not going back that way.

The fourth journey cloth
The fourth journey cloth

* End of Part 1 * Next: Elodeas Schatzkammern - Part 2: Treasure Hunters

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