
About My Journals


This page is an introduction to the journals. As said before, there are several versions of Myst Online - Uru Live. First of all the "original" version from Cyan, commonly refered to as MOUL or MOULa. This version is what I would call the multiplayer version of the game. Although most Ages can be completed alone, some require another person to help you complete the Age. Ahnonay is a good example. "The Open Cave" Shard has a similar gameplay as MOUL(a).

Some Shards like UAM have a slightly different gameplay as they are based on the offline version of the game. That means that all Ages (except for Eder Tsogal and Eder Delin) can be completed alone. The game looks for the most part like Uru, "Ages beyond Myst" and "The path of the shell" or "Uru Complete Chronicals". A few things have been added as for example the Bahro wedges are not in the offline game but they are present in MOUL(a) and all the Shards that I know of. (Including UAM.)


These journals will be mostly about Ages from MOUL and TOC. Some will go into a specific subject like: "Pod Age Animals" and "Teledahn's Sun". Others will be like a walkthrough. I wrote them because I know that in a few months I will have forgotton most of the details. By then, the journals will be my guide if I need to do an Age again or to assist someone else in solving the Age.

I have yet to make a decision about writing journals for Ages that are based on the offline game, like UAM. These Ages are mostly like the Ages in MOUL and TOC but they differ only a little bit. For now I'll just add a paragraph in italics when it's about UAM, but I believe it is better to write seperate journals for those in the long run.


The following picture shows what Relto looks like in MOUL(a) and TOC. The next picture shows Relto as it is in the UAM Shard. The Bahro wedges are on the right side of the picture.

Relto in MOUL
Relto in MOUL & TOC
Relto in UAM
Relto in UAM

Another nice addition that only The Open Cave has: a Cat Relto page. This cat will follow you around everywhere you go.
As a sidenote: I think the cat is actually a Bahro in disguise as it seems to have linking abillities of it's own ;)

Relto in MOUL
A cat buddy
JournalsPodHopper KI # 7116825