
Er'cana - Part 4: Back to where it all started

This is part 4 of the Er'cana journals. Before beginning with this journal, the Ahnonay Age will have to be completed first.

Bahro cave puzzle

The only remaining puzzle for the Er'cana and Ahnonay Age is the Bahro cave puzzle. The remaining Bahro cave is unlike any other Bahro cave we've been to so far. It is actually not one, but two Bahro caves connected to each other. The last time we were in Er'cana we tested one of the pellets in the Er'cana City Silo. When it was dropped in the water it caused the water to illuminate the room with a bright white light. We are going to repeat that in the Bahro cave. But, if we were to drop the pellet in the upper cave now, before we have linked to Ahnonay and from there to the lower Bahro cave, we would miss the cave being illuminated by the pellet falling into the pool of water.

In order to witness the illumination, we will need another person to drop the pellet for us in the upper cave, while we wait in the lower cave for the pellet to fall into the pool of water.

Find someone willing to drop the pellet for you and have this person come to the pellet machine. Once the other person is waiting by the pellet machine, link to Relto and use the cloth-page of your Ahnonay book to link to the last room with the Bahro stone on the table. Use the Bahro stone and you will end up in the lower Bahro cave. Have a pencil and paper ready for you will have to draw on paper whatever will appear on the walls. Now have the other person pick up one of the remaining pellets and link to the upper Bahro cave. If all goes well, you should see the pellet falling down and plunging into the pool shortly after that.

In case you didn't have enough time to draw the four symbols that appeared on the wall, there are three more pellets left. So, if nessesary, you can repeat the steps from the previous paragraph until you have drawn all four symbols.

The four symbols appear to be another viewer combination for the viewer in the (sunny) cleft. It is therefore no use giving you the combination that I got as the combination will be different for everyone. Link back to Relto and use the Cleft book to link to the sunny version of the cleft. Go to the room with the imager and set the imager using the symbols that appeared on the wall of the Bahro cave. You will get another speech from Yeesha and when she is finished a smaller version of the shell symbol will appear in the room. Walk into the shell symbol. You will be linked to a new location: K'veer.


You're in a large decorated room. Turn around and you see a Nexus pedestal in front of you. Touch the left side of the pedestal to register your KI here. Now you can go here via the Nexus. Turn left and walk through the doorway underneath the stairs. Walk the hallway all the way to the end. Turn right and walk through the corridor into another room. This room should be familiar. It is the place where Atrus was trapped by his sons. To the right you'll see the desk that Atrus had improvised for himself. In the center of the room is a pedestal with a linking book. Use it and you'll be linked to another familiar location. It's the library of Myst island. Walk forward to collect another sparkey. To the left is another Relto page. This one adds a fireplace to your relto. Turn right and on the lower bookshelf you will find the clothes that Catherine used to wear. The room is closed off so there's nowhere else you can go. Use your Relto book to link back to Relto.

* End of Part 4 *

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